what we do

What I’ll Be Doing For Preservation Week

I’ll be examining books, documents and works of art on paper at two Preservation Week events in Denver.  Should be fun!

April 26th I’ll be with the Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists (SRMA) at the Denver Public Library from 10:30-12:30.

In celebration of Preservation Week, Denver Public Library Western History/Genealogy and the Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists are providing short preservation consultations for your family treasures with conservation experts on Monday April 25th at the Denver Public Library.
Staff from the Denver Public Library Western History/Genealogy Department will be on hand digitizing your artifacts for inclusion in the new WHG website “Creating Your Community,” to launch in the Fall. If you would like a copy of your image to take home with you immediately, bring a thumb drive or disk and we’ll give you a TIF of your image.
Monday, April 25, 10:30a – 3p
Gates Meeting Room, Level 5
Denver Public Library
10 W. 14th Ave. Parkway
Denver, Colorado 80204
To guarantee a session with a conservator, make a reservation through srmapreservation@srmarchivists.org or call 303-275-2214.
Walk-ins welcome as time allows.
* experts in the conservation of books, paper, photographs, textiles, paintings and objects will be available
Due to logistical constraints, objects larger than 36”
cannot be accommodated.

UPDATE: EVENT CANCELED: May 1, 12-4  is the DUArt! Conservation Roadshow.  This is a fundraiser for DUArt!, an organization that provides scholarships to art students at the University of Denver.

Join a group of art professionals:
conservators specializing in paper, paintings, and objects, an appraiser, a frame specialist, a gemologist, and a collections management professional, to learn about the preservation of your collections and heirlooms!
Consultations with the specialists will help you to assess:

 Condition
 Options for Treatment
 Value Characteristics
 Archival Framing Options
 Preventive Measures
 Optimum Environment
 Management of a Collection
Participants are invited to bring an object from their own collection for examination. Concurrent sessions will culminate in a discussion of interesting objects and preservation issues.
RSVP early; space is limited.  Registration Form
Admission: $50.00 ($65 non-members) for all participants bringing objects
or for those only observing: $25.00 DU ART! members
$35.00 for non-members