Resources and Reading


Here are some links to help you learn more about conservation.

The American Institute for Conservation (AIC) is the leading membership association for current and aspiring conservators and allied professionals who preserve cultural heritage, representing more than 3,500 individuals in over forty countries around the world.

Guidelines for caring for your heirlooms and treasures.

Blog Posts and Press Releases

Identifying Plastics

I attended a session on Plastics today during the virtual AIC Annual Meeting, the professional association for conservators and preservation specialists. Netherland conservators Carien van Aubel and Olivia van Rooijen introduced the Plastic Identification Tool, an absolutely fantastic resource to aid inventory and condition assessment of collections. Libraries, archives, museums and private collections may have…

Testing a New Environmental Monitoring Product

I’ve been invited to test a new plug and play datalogger and gateway set from The 2 loggers and the gateway are seen unboxed here. It was incredibly easy to set up – just plug in the gateway to the electrical outlet, pull the tabs on the loggers. Done. The set automatically starts transmitting…

Press Release: Covid-19 Resource Hub

The Heritage Emergency National Task Force (HENTF), a public-private partnership between FEMA and the Smithsonian Institution, has published a COVID-19 Resource Hub, a web portal to an array of resources that can help the cultural heritage and creative communities respond to and recover from the pandemic. Resources have been grouped under the following categories: Federal…

How to prepare your business for Covid-19

This is an excellent video put out by the Event Safety Allliance on March 4th, 2020. It provides guidance on 8 things to do right now to sustain your cultural organization or business and keep your staff and patrons safe. 8 things: Develop a business continuity plan that covers mass gatherings, following local government guidance.…

KonMarie taking over the world – even in LAMs!

The KonMarie method is taking over the world and here is a funny take on applying it to LAMs (libraries, archives, museums), with a few great questions to ask about objects, supplies, equipment, staff and board members, not to mention that drawer in which you keep a jumble of … who knows what. Do you…

MAM CARES Workshop, March 23, 2018

I am so pleased to participate in this innovated IMLS-funded project created by the Missoula Art Museum. If you are part of a cultural organization in Montana, please consider signing up for my workshop and the conversation.  Here for more information.   From the MAM website: MAM CARES: CATALYZING ACCESS, RESEARCH, AND EDUCATION SOLUTIONS Launched…

Collections Assessment for Preservation (CAP) Program

I’m pleased to announce that I am a Conservation Collections Assessor for the CAP Program. The Collections Assessment for Preservation (CAP) Program “provides small and mid-sized museums with partial funding toward a general conservation assessment. The assessment is a study of all of the institution’s collections, buildings, and building systems, as well as its policies…

Saving Family Treasures After a Fire

Heritage Preservation has put together a very comprehensive and helpful document for those struggling to preserve what can be salvaged after a fire. I am going to post it, in its entirety, here. Whether you are suffering from the fires in Colorado, or are elsewhere, please feel free to contact me for advice or assistance. …

The Future Is Here and It Wants You To Try Its Stuff

The Future is knocking at your door with a suitcase full of things it would like to demo on your carpet, your walls, your stovetop.  I’m thinking, I’d like to let it in. I’ve got a world of artwork to conserve and I want to know all about the new materials and methods that just…


This post has very little to do with paper conservation, or art, but it does have to do with connection. I was recently musing with friends about what drives blog visits and the answers ranged from google analytics results to friendship and collegial networks to the attractive power of bacon and to the six degrees…

First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is.

Thanks, Donovan, for the lyric.  Or a zen master. One of the two. This post is about a bullet hole through a watercolor.  It’s about a watercolor that was the last one done by the artist before her body stopped cooperating with her enough to paint, or to go to the places from which she…


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